Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)

  1. Nexplanon is a LARC which is placed under the skin of the inner upper arm for birth control. It contains progesterone and is effective for 3 years. With this type of LARC you will get irregular bleeding for some time and most commonly menstrual cycles will stop. It can be removed at any point after placement if pregnancy is desired. This type of birth control is 99% effective.

  2. Mirena is a LARC which is a device that is placed in the uterus for birth control. It contains progesterone and is effective for 5 years. With this type of LARC, it is very common to have irregular bleeding for up to 8 months and them most often menstrual cycles will stop. Because of the cessation of menses with this LARC it is also used for the treatment of heavy menstrual cycles. It can be removed ant any point after placement if pregnancy is desired. This type of birth control is greater than 99% effective.

  3. Kyleena is a LARC which is a device that is placed in the uterus for birth control. It contains progesterone and is effective for 5 years. With this type of LARC you will get a short light cycle monthly. It can be removed at any point after placement if pregnancy is desired. This type of birth control is greater than 99% effective.

  4. Paraguard is a LARC that is a device that is placed in the uterus for birth control. This type of LARC contains no hormones. It is highly effective at greater than 99% and lasts for 10 years. It may be removed at any time after placement if pregnancy is desired.

Prior to placement a pregnancy test must be done this can be done as a blood draw or a urine test. LARCs are placed ideally during a menstrual cycle, as they are easier to insert. Also it is preferred to place them under ultrasound guidance so that proper placement is conformed and potential complications are avoided. A common side effect of LARC placement is cramping with menses this will most likely diminish over time.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office.
Monday – Friday 9am – 4:30pm